Being 14 is not easy. Leaving your club and starting with a brand new team where you know no one is twice as hard. When the birth year changes came into effect this year, many athletes had some tough choices to make. Our U14 team was no exception. Our team was split in half. Some girls moved up, some moved down, some moved on. 6 of the girls from the original team stayed on and were combined with other athletes from varied sources. But one of the girls made perhaps a bigger leap than her other teammates. Her name is Jessica and she chose to leave her club after 4 years and drive well outside her immediate community to join Rush U14 Azul of Littleton, CO. Fitting in and being accepted is the elusive holy grail during the teenage years. With wisdom and courage youth realize that taking risks and carving your own path is the fast track to self-actualization. Jessica seems to already know this truth. She is fast and agile on the field. As a forward, she shines with her aggressive smart decision making and her frequent shots on goal. She scored twice this past weekend which naturally contributed to our win. But mostly we want to highlight her character off the field, because being a person that can see past the comfort of today and have the guts to reach for new opportunities will serve her well in life. Go get ‘em Jessica!
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone